Title I Federal Program

  • The purpose of the Title I Program is to meet the educational needs of children in low-income households.  The Title I Program supplements services needed to raise the academic achievement level of kindergarten through grade 12 students.

    Schools that have been approved to operate a schoolwide program (SWP) may provide services to all students including students with disabilities and English Learners.  It is important to remember though, based on prioritized needs, a school must particularly address the needs of low-achieving students and those at-risk of not meeting the state student academic achievement standards. 

    Parents of students served should be included in the planning and implementation of the program.  Various activities should be implemented to ensure parent participation including: developing a parent engagement policy and school-parent compact, parent-teacher conferences, parent trainings and family education events, and serving as classroom volunteers. 

    The Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed by President Obama on December 10, 2015.  This measure reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 and signifies the nation’s longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all students. 

    Title I Funds are allocated to schools based on poverty percentages on the annual Title I ranking.  These percentages are determined by the number of low-income students, ages 5 to 17, enrolled on CBEDS day who qualify for free- or reduced-price meals.